January 2, 2024
The Senior Management Team of the National Road Fund of Liberia (NRF) hereby condemns a carefully orchestrated and politically motivated disruption of its normal office activities on Tuesday, January 2, 2024, by a handful of former NRF contractors along with several unidentified individuals.
The Senior Management Team of the NRF hereby informs the public that the politically-motivated disruption of the NRF’s offices during working hours is legally groundless and baseless, as the services of the former contractors were not terminated but had rather logically come to an end due to the expiration of their contracts. The NRF issued the appropriate notices to the affected contractors months ago, in accordance with the law and specific stipulations of those contracts.
The senior management team of the NRF is aware that, given the democratic transition occurring in the country, unscrupulous individuals would seek to score political mileage by causing disruption and airing false information to the public. Nonetheless, the NRF remains resolute in its commitment to upholding the highest standards of professionalism as well as adhering strictly to all relevant laws and regulations.
The Senior Management Team of the NRF reaffirms its dedication to the effective administration of the National Road Fund of Liberia and assures the public of its unwavering commitment to the rule of law and excellence in all operational aspects.
For media inquiries, please contact: +231-770-833336 (office@nrf.gov.lr)
Emmett P. Coker. MA, BPA-Media and Communications Specialist