Request for Expression of Interest (REOI) for procurement of Security Guard Services in favor of the National Road Fund Office.

Assignment Title: Provision of Security Guard Services


The Government of the Republic of Liberia through the National Road Fund of Liberia has received budgetary allocation from its approved Budget Fiscal Year 2023 and intends to apply part of it towards the cost of hiring a Firm to provide Security Guard Services in favor of the National Road Fund Office.


The objective of the assignment is for contracting the services of a Security Firm to post Guard at the aforesaid premises, and ensure the protection and safeguarding of staff and properties.


General Responsibilities:

  • The Security Firm shall post a number of thirteen (13) Security Guards at the Offices aforementioned on a twenty (24) hours basis eight (8) days per week beginning date of commencement through the Contract Period; and
  • Ensure that all properties on the premises of the aforesaid offices not limited to vehicles and other assets are protected and safeguarded; and
  • Ensure that persons and vehicles accessing the aforesaid office premises are thoroughly screened and identified; and
  • Ensure that Security Guards are stationed twenty-four (24) hours a day at the premises of the National Road Fund; and
  • Ensure that each visitor is tagged with a visitor badge prior to accessing the compound and building; and
  • Ensure that visitors are directed or escorted to the specific locations they intend to visit; and
  • Ensure that each and every Security Guard on official duty on the aforesaid office premises is duly uniformed during period of the working day; and
  • Ensure that Security Guards are fully equipped to the usage of fire extinguisher in the case of an accident; and
  • Ensure that Security Guards perform the duties as providing direction and evacuation in the case of an emergency; and
  • Ensure that Security Guards regularly patrol the assigned area of the aforesaid office premises; and
  • Ensure that Security Guards are fully equipped with hardware to include handcuffs and batons; and
  • Ensure that monthly security Report and Invoice must be submitted to the Office of the Aforesaid Mrs. Joseta Neufville Wento, the Officer in Charge or his/her designee in order to begin the monthly payment process through the National Road Fund Finance Department.
  • Qualifications and Experience

Interested firms must have the following minimum qualifications requirements:

  •   Firm must have at least 6-years’ experience in executing similar activities.
  •  The firm must have a track record of performing similar works.
  • Report monthly to the Officer in Charge, based upon your timely reports with attendance in line with schedules provided, before the processing of payment.
  • Duty Station: Monrovia, Liberia
  • The selected firm Security Guards shall be stationed at the premises of the National Road Fund Office in Monrovia, Payne Avenue, between 9th & 10th Streets, Building # 134.
  • Selection:

The firm will be selected in accordance with the Restricted Bidding process method enshrined as set out in the PPC Act 2010 and is opened to ONLY LIBERIAN OWNED SECURITY FIRM IN LIBERIA that are registered with the Public Procurement & Concessions Commission(PPCC).

  • Expression of Interest

Interested firms must submit the following qualification requirements along with their Proposals Package

  • Both technical and financial proposals and packages must be hand delivered to the address below or to the under listed,Two (2) copies each.
  • A brief Company Profile, legal and qualification documentation
  • PPCC Vendor Registration Certificate
  • Valid Business Registration
  • Valid Tax Clearance
  • Articles of incorporation
  • References of past and current clients with detailed addresses and contact numbers
  • Certificate from Ministry of Justice
  •      Inquiry

Further information can be obtained at the address below during office hours from 10:00am to 15:00pm.

  • All interested firms must hand deliver their interest to the address below no later than on or before Thursday, June 29, 2023 at 10:30 am.  Proposals will be evaluated Friday, June 30, 2023 at 11:00am, in the presence of Bidders representatives who choose toattend, in the National Road Fund Conference room 1st floor, Payne Avenue, 9th & 10TH           Streets. Only selected firm will be contacted.

Interest Submission Address:

Procurement Unit

Interest Submission Address:

Procurement Unit
National Road Fund
Payne Avenue, 9TH & 10TH Streets, Building # 134
Monrovia, Liberia
Telephones#: 0777-497091/0777-027134

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