Request for Expression of Interest (REOI) for Communications and Visibility Strategy Consultancy services (Media & Public Relations) in favor of the National Road Fund of Liberia.

Date: August 21, 2024

RFP No.: NRF/SBA/LCS/001/2024

Assignment Title: Communications and Visibility Strategy and Implementation Plan Contract.

Consultancy Services to NRF for the Provision of Communications and Visibility Strategy Consultancy Services.


The National Road Fund of Liberia was established by an act of the National Legislature in 2016 and published on January 26, 2017, for the purpose of financing road and bridge maintenance works and its directly associated planning, programming, and maintenance activities in Liberia. The primary source of revenue generation for the NRF is fuel levy collection on petroleum products imported.

Since its inception and consistent with its objectives, the NRF has spent millions of dollars rehabilitating thousands of miles of roads all across the country and now wants to focus on amplifying the gains of its interventions through a robust communications and visibility strategy and associated implementation plan. In support of this activity, the National Road Fund has received an approved budget from the Government of Liberia for Fiscal Year 2024 and intends to allocate a portion of this proceeds toward the Procurement of Communications and Visibility Strategy Consultancy Services under the Contract Package: Media & Public Relations.

The Road Network in Liberia is greatly underdeveloped therefore, a high-standard national road network remains our priority to help promote economic development regional integration, and social cohesion.

The objectives of the National Road Fund are;

  • To ensure that road assets are sustain and that sufficient funds for both periodic and routine maintenance are allocated for this purpose.
  • To ensure that each of the categories of national, sub-national and feeder roads have a sufficient share of the total budget such that these roads can operate as an integrated network.
  • To defray the costs of loans approved by Government to extend the length of maintainable roads.
  • To ensure that the needs of the road users and those impacted by roads are considered in terms of safety, security and environment.


The overall objective of this procurement is to increase the visibility and impact of NRF-financed projects/interventions through the preparation of a holistic communications strategy and implementation plan that reflects the unique communication needs of the NRF. Such a plan will take into consideration not only traditional forms of communication but also news media across all spectrums to include print, electronic, radio and social media etc.


General Responsibilities:

The communication and visibility consultancy firm will:

  • Develop an organization-wide communication and visibility strategy and implementation plan to increase the NRF-financed project’s visibility across the 15 counties
  • Develop and implement public awareness campaigns that would promote visibility of NRF activities and outcomes through different media to increase audience engagement; such media will include radio talk-shows, the organization of town halls and debate fora, the production of jingles, newspaper publications as well as the production of social media content
  • Develop an implementation plan to support the visibility of all NRF-financed projects irrespective of the implementing partners or contractors; such media plan should include areas where these NRF funded projects were implemented
  • Develop social media campaigns in consultation with the NRF media officer for posting on the NRF’s social media platforms
  • Support in the development of the NRF’s promotional material and publications and assist in the development of video-visual jingles on NRF financed projects

Expected Deliverables:

  • The preparation and presentation of a well-thought and articulated communication and visibility strategy alongside a detailed 12-month implantation plan.
  • As articulated in the strategy and implementation plan, the execution of several public awareness campaigns in formats such as town hall meetings, debate fora, radio talk shows etc.
  • The launching of diverse social media campaigns and media publications showcasing the successes of NRF-financed projects
  • Regular progress reports and feedback sessions to evaluate the effectiveness of communication efforts and make necessary adjustments.


The key professional staff / Firm must have the following minimum qualifications:

  •  Senior Managers of the Firm must be a Public relations expert and must have advance marketing skills.
  •  The firm must have past performances evidence of similar services rendered to both Public and Private sectors.
  • Minimum of 5 years of relevant professional experience in communications for development cooperation programmes – specifically related to private sector development (including enterprise development), skills development and social marketing;
  • Demonstrated experience in developing effective communications strategies for programmes with a wide range of stakeholders, based upon primary and secondary data analyses;
  • Strong analytical skills, sound judgement, the capacity to think strategically, including the ability to produce high quality policy materials, high level strategic documents and advice for development implementation;
  • Successful track record of similar assignments with excellent analytical, research, writing (English) and facilitation skills.


  • Services will be provided in the period of six (6) months based upon the time scheduled provided in the contract and with an extension when needed with and Addendum Contract agreed by both Parties.


Interested firms must submit the following;

  •   Letter of Expression of Interest signed and stamped by authorized personnel
  • A brief Company Profile
  • Valid Business Registration
  • Articles of incorporation
  • Valid Tax clearance
  • PPCC Vendor Registry.
  • Updated and signed bios of the following proposed key personnel for implementation of the Communications and Visibility Strategy Consultancy Services and contact details.
  • Proofof advance marketing skills and public relations expert.
  • Statement of suitability and relevant experience in the field

Further information can be obtained at the address below during office hours from 10:00am to 4:00pm business day.

All interested firms must submit their Expression of Interest no later than on or before Thursday September 5, 2024 at 11:00am. Only shortlisted firms will be contacted.

All REOI’s (1 original copy and 2 photo copies) must be sealed and delivered to the Procurement Office.

Following acceptance of the selected firm, the procuring Entity will negotiate a finalized scope of work, agreed contract cost and conditions of contract. The Consultant will be engaged on a contract for service basis. 


Hon. Joseta Neufville-Wento


National Road Fund of Liberia

Procurement Unit

National Road Fund of Liberia

Between 9th & 10th Streets, Payne Avenue, Building #134

Email address:

Contact number: 0776-330-319

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