Date: September 30, 2024
RFP No.: NRF/SBA/QCBS/002/2024
Assignment Title: Request for Expression of Interest (REOI) for the Provision of Capacity Needs Assessment Consultancy Service in favour of the National Road Fund of Liberia.
- Background and Organizational Context
The National Road Fund Office was set up in 2016 with the stated aim of managing the effective financing of road and bridge maintenance works. The primary objectives of the National Road Fund are:
- To ensure that road assets are sustained and that sufficient funds for both periodic and routine maintenance are allocated for this purpose.
- To ensure that each of the categories of national, sub-national and feeder roads have a sufficient share of the total budget such that these roads can operate as an integrated network.
- To defray the costs of loans approved by Government to extend the length of maintainable roads.
- To ensure that the needs of the road users and those impacted by roads are considered in terms of safety, security and environment.
The NRF office seeks to ensure that its workforce is fully capacitated with relevant skills to ensure the successful execution of its mandate. To do this, the NRF needs to assess its current workforce skills capacity and manpower based on various duties and responsibilities assigned necessary to support efficient and effective programs implementation. As a consequence, the NRF Leadership has determined that an Assessment of the Capacity Building Needs is inherent to improving its work culture and system of proficiency. In support of this activity, the National Road Fund has received an approved budget from the Government of Liberia for Fiscal Year 2024 and intends to allocate a portion of this towards payment under the Contract Package: Assessment of the Capacity Building Needs.
In view of the above, the National Road Fund of Liberia now invites eligible consultancy firms or individuals to indicate their interest in providing the required service.
- Objective of Assignment
The overall Objective of this assignment is for the selected Consultant to conduct a capacity needs assessment of the NRF to inform a professional development framework. Based on the capacity assessment findings and recommendations, the selected Consultant is expected to identify and develop feasible and time-bound capacity building framework for the NRF management and administration, including on operational aspects of Measuring, Reporting and Verification (MRV), that can be implemented within the timeline of the Project.
The National Road Funds intends to apply a portion of these funds to carry out an assessment of the needs for enhancing its own capacity to fully implement related activities aligned with the institution’s mandate.
The Consultant to be hired based on this Terms of Reference will carry out the following general activities to achieve the objective of the proposed assignment. More detailed tasks to be performed by the Consultant are presented below.
Detailed Tasks
Detailed tasks to be performed under the scope of services include the following:
- Inception Work:
- To become fully familiar with the regulations and documents governing the provision of the mandates of the NRF in Liberia.
- To become fully familiar with the structure of the NRF and its organization structure as well as offices. To learn about their staff, roles and responsibilities, as well as their profile, job description and experiences.
- Review relevant international and national level approaches that could be helpful for enhancing the NRF’s capacity.
- Review all relevant documents on existing human resource selection, performance and development procedures. Pay special attention to the existing practices to develop the capacity of the staff of NRF: how they are trained, in what areas/topics, when, how much is the budget for their professional development.
- To prepare an Inception Report with an Action Plan for the work to be performed under the proposed assignment. Present this Action Plan to the NRF, collect and incorporate their feedback, and adjust the Action Plan accordingly.
- Assessment of Needs:
- To prepare a methodology for assessing the needs to enhance the technical capacity of the NRF workforce. Present this methodology to the NRF, collect and incorporate their feedback, and adjust it accordingly. This methodology should be such that it:
- Ensures that staff at all levels are asked about their capacity enhancement needs.
- Considers any travel restrictions imposed by the any occurring pandemic or national emergency.
- Considers the available funds allocated for capacity enhancement, as per the NRF budget.
- Capture the needs in various dimensions, areas. Examples of areas, topics for capacity enhancement include, but should not be limited to: (i) communication and coordination, (ii) problem solving, (iii) operation of NRF Management Information System, (iv) utilization of data for planning and decision making, (v) financial management, (vi) monitoring and evaluation, (vii) leadership, and (viii) project management.
- To conduct the needs assessment based on the methodology approved by the NRF.
- To prepare a Capacity Enhancement Plan based on the need assessment mentioned above. Present this plan to the NRF, collect and incorporate their feedback, and adjust it accordingly. This plan should:
- Be prepared based on international good practices, experiences.
- Identify the areas, topics for capacity enhancement: what each topic entails and what would be the expected results.
- Identify when (month and year) and how each area, topic should be tackled.
- Inform what resources are needed to address each need, each area of capacity enhancement:
- Human resources: firms or individual consultants to be hired by the NRF.
- Financial resources.
- Other resources, as needed.
- Include recommendations for potential knowledge sharing activities under which the existing capacity could be enhanced through visits to other countries. Such activities should be cost-effective and proposed in accordance with the project funds allocated for this purpose.
- Include recommendations for capacity enhancement beyond the existing budgetary support or available funding allocation.
- Include an Implementation Plan for 2025-2027.
- To prepare a Final Report describing all activities performed during the Contract and including all requested deliverables.
No. | Deliverable | Description | Duration upon commencement of assignment | Payment schedule |
1. | Inception Report including Action Plan | Conduct desk review to prepare Inception Report containing a clear methodology and workplan for the assignment | 2 weeks | 15% of contract value |
2. | Capacity Gap Analysis Report | Carryout the capacity needs assessment including both human resource and logistical capacities with a day workshop to present findings | 3 weeks | 35% of contract value |
3. | Draft Capacity Enhancement Framework | Develop a capacity building Framework based on critical skills gap identified | 3 weeks | 25% of contract value |
4. | Final Capacity Needs Assessment Framework | The final report presented to and endorsed by Senior Management Team of NRF after incorporating all feedback comments | 3 weeks | 25% of contract value |
The Consultant should note that: all reports will be considered draft until they are reviewed and accepted by NRF.
Basic Requirements
Interested firms must submit the following:
- Letter of Expression of Interest signed and stamped by authorized personnel or professional CV.
- Minimum of 2 years of relevant professional experience in organizational development, training or development programmes – specifically related to personnel/human development;
- Demonstrated experience in developing effective plans for programmes with a wide range of stakeholders, based on participatory approaches;
- Strong analytical skills, sound judgment, the capacity to think strategically, including the ability to produce high quality policy materials, high level strategic documents and advice for development implementation;
- At least One successful track record of similar assignments with excellent analytical, writing (English) and facilitation skills.
- A Brief Company Profile, legal and qualification documentation (Current Business Registration, Articles of incorporation, Valid Tax Clearance, NASSCORP Certificate and PPCC Vendor Registry.
- Updated and signed bios of the following proposed key personnel for implementation of the Contract package and contact details.
- Interested Consultants may provide additional information indicating they are qualified to perform the service.
- Services will be provided in the period of three (3) months based upon the time scheduled provided.
- Prepare and present regular progress reports to the Chief Program Officer.
- Work must be completed within three (3) months.
- Submit a comprehensive final report detailing findings, recommendations, and the Capacity Needs Assessment Report.
8.1 The types of competencies required of the Consultant to be selected to perform this assignment are as below.
Experience of the Firm:
- Not less than 2 years’ experience in human resource capacity needs assessment.
- Considerable experience in the field of Workforce Planning and Management
- Prove of working in Liberia
The skills required of key personnel:
General requirements for all positions
(a) Excellent written and oral communications in English;
(b) Computer literacy, particularly with Microsoft Office Suite.
- Human Resource Development Specialist (Team Leader)
He/She shall be responsible for the overall coordination of the Consultant services to ensure the satisfactory fulfillment of the requirements of the Terms of Reference. He/she shall be the leader of the team and act as the firm’s representative on all matters relating to the assignment. He/she shall keep close contact with the employer and be responsible for the timely submission of reports and other documents.
The overall Team Leader shall possess a minimum Master’s degree preferably in any of the Social Sciences discipline, with at least 5 years’ post qualification experience in human resource development and management in the public sector.
He/she must have extensive experience in human capacity assessment of public sector organizations and a team leader for at least one assignment of similar nature and complexity within the last five (5) years. Must have legal background.
Previous working experience in the Public Sector.
with excellent statistical and data analysis skills are required.
- Education Specialist
He/She shall possess a minimum Master’s degree preferably in Public Administration, or Management and Administration with at least 7 years’ post qualification experience in the design and implementation of performance monitoring and assessment and project management.
He/she must have participated or implemented similar nature and complexity of assignment in at least the last four (4) years.
Previous experience in capacity gap assessment is highly appreciated; and previous experience in Liberia will be an asset.
8.1 Inputs to be provided by the NRF
The NRF will provide the Consultant the following:
- Act to establish the NRF
- Organization Structure / Organogram
- Staff Registry
- Job descriptions of each staff.
- Counterpart staff.
- Any other relevant information and material required for the assignment.
8.2 Inputs to be provided by the Consultant to be hired through this ToR
8.2.1 The Consultant shall be responsible for ensuring appropriate office space, equipment, transportation that meets the requirements of the assignment, including field visits, consultations, regular and/or ad-hoc trips to selected sites.
8.2.2 The Consultant shall be responsible for all the requisite staff resources; accommodation; stationery; communications; computers and its accessories; translations/interpretation (if needed); and other costs related to the undertaking their responsibilities.
8.3 Special conditions of assignment
The consultant will be responsible for travel within and outside Monrovia as well as other tax related obligations where applicable. The NRF will meet expenses related to workshops that involves NRF staff DSA/stipend or feeding.
Interested firms must submit the following;
- Letter of Expression of Interest signed and stamped by authorized personnel
- A brief Company Profile, legal and qualification documentation (Current Business Registration, Articles of incorporation, Valid Tax Clearance and PPCC Vendor Registry.
- Updated and signed bios of the following proposed key personnel for implementation of the Capacity Needs Assessment Consultancy Service in favour of the National Road Fund of Liberia.
- Contact details
- Statement of suitability and relevant experience in the field
- Capacity to deliver the service
- Detail outline of an illustrative implementation framework for the delivery of the project objective.
All eligible bidders may obtain further information from the Procurement Unit Monday to Friday during office hours from Monday September 30, 2024 10:00am to 4:00pm business days.
Only shortlisted individuals or firms will be contacted. All interested individuals must submit their Expression of Interest no later than on or before Monday October 21, 2024 at 1:00pm. All Requests for Expression of Interest comprising of 1 original and 1 photo copies each must be sealed and delivered to the Procurement Unit. Absolutely, all late Request for Expression of Interest will be rejected and returned unopened.
Mr. John H. Tokpah, Jr
Officer-in-Charge/ Chief Administrative Officer
Procurement Unit
National Road Fund of Liberia
Between 9th & 10th Streets, Payne Avenue, Building #134
Email address:
Contact number: 0776-330-319